Next go to to apply the rotation needed to straighten the image

Perspective crop tool: in some cases, an image may have not only a  horizon but also perspective distortions. The perspective crop tool (c) allows you to fix both issues simultaneously. Use the tool to draw a rectangle around the area you want to correct, adjusting the lines to match the  image’s perspective. Photoshop will then straighten and correct the perspective within that area. Perspective correction: perspective distortion occurs when an image is taken from an angle, causing parallel lines to converge or diverge. This effect is especially noticeable when photographing tall buildings or architectural structures.

Correcting perspective distortion is crucial for

Achieving accurate representations of scenes in your images. Photoshop provides several tools to tackle perspective correction: transform tool: the transform tool (ctrl/cmd+t) allows you to manually adjust the perspective of an image. Right-click on the image while in transform mode and Raster to Vector Conversion Service select “Perspective.” now, drag the corner handles to correct the perspective by aligning the lines with their vanishing points. Adaptive wide angle filter: this filter in photoshop is explicitly for correcting lens distortions and perspective issues. It’s useful for architectural and interior photography where the edges of the image may appear due to wide-angle lenses.

Photoshop Services

Access the filter by going to  and then use the tools

Provided to correct the perspective. Lens correction filter: while primarily for fixing lens distortions, the lens correction filter can also help with minor perspective corrections. It can be found under “Filter” > “Lens correction.” in the custom tab of the filter, you can Optin List use the “Vertical perspective” slider to adjust the perspective of the image vertically. Content-aware fill for perspective correction: in some situations, you may need to fill in the areas that become empty after perspective correction. Photoshop’s content-aware fill can be a tremendous asset for this task.