Use of social networks in crisis

How to use networks in times of crisis? When a moment of crisis arrives , it is time to act, also on  networks . Social networks during a crisis need a strategy , improving and optimizing their professional use , and to do so today i bring you some examples of how to change the strategy on  networks during an economic, financial or health crisis, as is happening. I spoke about this with antonio j. Ortega from optimiza tu funnel on his live shows on facebook and youtube. Use of social In a series of videos that he is making with other digital marketing professionals in these moments of crisis, and that he has called #marketingencasa .

What to do with social networks with the crisis

Look at their channel, which has very good videos, and subscribe, because it is uploaded every day. Good tips for knowing what to do with your business while you are at home. I am not talking now about a crisis plan for networks , which will be the subject Gambling Email List of another post. I mean that, when a crisis like the current one hits us, the worst thing we can do is stand still , paralyzed by fear, even though we have the business shutters down. In a crisis,networks have to adapt to the changes produced in society, to the way of doing online marketing. It is time to get to work on designing a media strategy during the crisis so that our brand does not lose what it has gained so far, and is still there when the crisis passes.

Social Media Strategy in times of crisis

Use of social media strategy in times of crisis what to do in the face of a crisis? How to manage social networks in a time of high uncertainty? During a crisis like the current one, your media strategy has to change. We cannot do the same thing we did Optin List before, and temporarily, adapt our  media content to new needs. For several reasons : 1- our digital audience that consumes content has increased. 2- our competition may be generating valuable content, and we are not. 3- priorities have changed, or have been modified, and now there are priorities, there is a new order in the scale of values. What to do with  networks with the crisis first of all, what you have to avoid is disappearing from social networks, stopping publishing.