Adopt a professional and improve the life of your hotel on social networks

Adopt a professional, There are relatively few hotels that have a social media strategy truly managed by a professional and that do not leave these tasks in the hands of any rookie or intern . There is a vast majority of tourism companies or hotel establishments that are only on social networks. Because they have to be… and not because they really believe in social media or have investigated to what extent it is useful or profitable for their online marketing strategies . These hotels we are talking about take advantage of a small part of the advantages or opportunities that online platforms can provide them (brand visibility Adopt a professional  Development of a community.  Ability to obtain and manage relevant data or information. Customer service.  Engagement.

Remember that as with other aspects of your hotel business.

Adopt a professional. But venturing blindly and going with the flow.  On social networks. Is not the same email contact list as working professionally day by day to try to obtain some real and important fruit or advantage from all of this. What’s more.  All this usually leads to a chain of errors (such as: opening personal profiles instead of business pages or not knowing how to properly select the social network or networks in which they should and should be. According to the audience). which we want to address). Errors that end up demotivating the person in charge of social media management or.  What is even worse .  The company as a whole and pushes them to leave aside or neglect the little that they were already doing on one of those platforms. I would like to clarify: as we have already spoken on other occasions everyone has the right to a first.

If you want different results

I would like to clarify: as we have already spoken on other occasions ( see here ) . Everyone has the right to a first opportunity in the work Optin List and professional field or to continue their learning by occupying an intern position in any company. But we must not confuse the image of an intern with that of a professional.  He is a student/worker with enormous potential. Who can collaborate and contribute his grain of sand.  So that our general tasks arrive faster and with better quality. to the conclusion of our daily objectives. Although every businessman must recognize that he still lacks time.  Training and experience to be able to do it (especially alone)in the place or position where there should be a professional to perform those tasks. As I have heard Fares Kameli say.