Soon these sentences form a flood

 It does not bring money to the account and does not add readers to the blog. WRONG! It will definitely do both, but over a longer period of time. 1,000 precisely defined readers is a much better option than 10,000 readers who are not really interested in what you write about. The more precisely the topic of your blog is defined, the more targeted readers you will get for your blog. They quickly become engaged readers who are very happy to share your publications on social media. And when it comes time to recommend or sell them something, they buy because they know and know you and trust you. It is good to spend time on this stage. Before I imagined that 15 minutes would be enough, but actually 5 hours would be more suitable. You can divide the time into different days. In this way, you get the most out of your brain capacity.

If you want to know a little

Why, for whom, how and where? Before the actual start, there are things that you should clarify for yourself. Why do you want to write a blog? Who are you writing it to? How do you publish and on which channel? Why is this important? Because without a limit, your blog will very quickly become like a herring salad, where you write special data about everything possible between earth and sky and it hurts when you can’t really think of anything to write about. Crazy, I know it! Many bloggers skip this step because it is boring.

Domain and server Choosing a theme

 You can’t imagine earning tens of thousands of euros a month just by writing one post a day and uploading dozens of pictures of yourself to Instagram.  about what goes on behind the scenes of this blog, check out this post . This post is more of an educational post than a regular blog post and is primarily aimed at people who are serious about blogging and want to build a professional and quality blog. The post can and should Optin List be shared (super thanks for that) so that someone gets confirmation whether to start a blogging career or not. This post contains the following topics: Why, for whom, how and where? Budgeting Choosing a blog platform Branding  Images and color scheme Add-ons, plugins and widgets Marketing Earning income 1.