Tag: Whatsapp Mobile Number List

Marketing automation allows one employee of your company to effectively compete with a large marketing and sales team. All this thanks to the unlimited possibilities of configuring care and marketing campaigns. After appropriate setting, it will be automatically activated based on previously established criteria. Thanks to the implementation of marketing automation after several months of…

Last year clearly showed us that almost all services, communication tools, products and activities are moving to the online sphere. Many companies that previously shied away from digitalization had to undergo a crash course in being online and literally start operating in a new area overnight. Only practice has shown that B2B marketers previously operating…

The Academy of Effective Online Selling is a platform you can start using at any time. There is no pre-defined schedule here. This provides great flexibility and freedom of learning, as well as the ability to adjust its mode to individual needs. The Effective Selling Academy training platform is a tool that will help you…

This is actually the first and key element of the whole puzzle. Keyword analysis tells you how your audience searches for a specific product, service or information. When analyzing keywords, you will definitely notice that each phrase has a different search volume. This will allow you to determine the potential of specific keywords. Learning the…

Scholarships to learn how to make AR products on the Snapchat platform and 3 challenges for Indonesian developers of the for a total of more on the Snapchat platform More than 3,500 AR products created. So to build on last year’s success, Dicoding is once again partnering with Snapchat to launch: the Augmented Reality Creator…

Opportunity. Dozens of players would love to be in your shoes.  and build your best portfolio! Let’s improve the quality of programming in Indonesia together. A hard skill? You can learn it in every learning path of Dicoding. Each learning process available is prepared by a team of decoding experts using technical principles to equip…

place or entity. All entities registered on the blockchain network will have the same copy of the data. Everything is integrated with each other .Wich makes the stored data difficult to hack. So, what is blockchain? This is our discussion this time. Blockchain itself consists of two words, block and chain. In short, blockchain can…

Or the growing demand for cryptocurrencies. This cryptocurrency uses a technology called blockchain. What is blockchain? Simply put, blockchain is a cryptocurrency or the underlying technology for cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), or other cryptocurrencies. Therefore, in this article, we will discuss blockchain. Start with the understanding, benefits, and main pillars of blockchain.…

Yusuf knew that the machine learning course material should be difficult to understand. Therefore, seeing that the learning process of IDCamp has brought good results to his own work performance, Yusuf strongly recommends future digital talent candidates to participate. He said that it is rare for a technical learning program to have solid and complete…

It was this challenge that made the biggest impression on Yusuf. Yusuf feels a palpable sense of happiness when a program he creates works correctly because he truly understands the process behind it. “Programming knowledge seems to cover my whole life. When learning programming, we will encounter a problem. After that, we need to develop…

For light developers. Ambition, passion and the desire to continue growing are considered to be the three things that best describe this stage of most people’s twenties. These three descriptions are also recognized by the young coach Muhammad Yusuf Aristyanto (22 years old) who graduated from IDCamp. Yusuf is only in his twenties, but the…